Bullseye was a popular British television show that aired from 1981 to 1995. The show was centered around the game of darts and featured contestants who competed to win prizes. The show was hosted by Jim Bowen and Tony Green, who were both well-known figures in the world of darts.
Each episode of Bullseye featured three pairs of contestants who competed in a series of darts games. The games included traditional darts, as well as various other challenges that tested the contestants’ skills and accuracy. The winning pair of each round would then advance to the final round, where they would compete for a grand prize.
The prizes on Bullseye were often extravagant and varied, ranging from luxury holidays to cars and even speedboats. The show became famous for its catchphrase, “Let’s see what you could have won”, which was often used to taunt contestants who had missed out on the grand prize.
Bullseye was a huge success in the UK and became a cultural phenomenon. It was loved by audiences for its mix of entertainment and sport, and for the chance to win amazing prizes. The show has since become a classic of British television and is still remembered fondly by many fans.